In recent years the distinction between video game platforms has been far more clear-cut. If you want to play Halo, you’ll need to get an Xbox. If you want to play God of War, get a PlayStation. Now, however, those lines are beginning to blur.
Additions like crossplay and more cross-platform releases from these companies famous for console exclusivity have caused the console wars to be less black and white. For example, if you want to play Death Stranding, you could get a PlayStation or a PC. With the recent update to the Xbox Series’ built-in browser, Nvidia’s PC game streaming service GeForce Now is finally available for the Xbox users. This means that titles that were previously unavailable on Xbox can finally be played on Xbox. For example, if you buy a copy of Horizon: Zero Dawn for PC, you can stream it to your Xbox and play it. This removes all the need for a PlayStation or PC.
This latest client update goes live on 21th October, this means you can try it for yourself now. Nvidia claims that their service can outperform an Xbox Series X, and will feature ultra-low latency indistinguishable from playing locally.
GeForce Now was previously blocked on Xbox but has since been unbanned, which is a strange move by Microsoft to allow their biggest competitor to Xbox Cloud Gaming to be played on their own system. But we’re not complaining about it, as anyone with an Xbox can access a huge list of games including some of Sony’s PC ports. The upcoming God of War port, as well as the Bloodborne remaster, could be enjoyed from the comfort of your Xbox console.
If you’ve been trying to decide on a new console, this is the hardest time to choose between. If you’re looking forward to Forza Horizon 5 and Halo Infinite, take a look at a PC or Xbox. A significant amount of Sony exclusives are coming to PC as well, albeit a couple of years late. This way you can enjoy them later with a PC, and now even with an Xbox.