Recently, Indonesian government suddenly blocked a lot of popular gaming sites and various services due to new licensing rules. Reason for the block was the companies in question did not meet the requirements which are enforced by these rules, and the block is applied by Kominfo, a government communication ministry.
This decision caused an outrage on social media as millions of people depend on these services for business. The services and websites include the giants like Steam, Epic Games, BattleNet, Ubisoft, Origin, Nintendo, Yahoo and PayPal. Only exception here is PayPal with a temporary five day unblock window for people to withdraw their money in order to prevent a harsh crisis.
There are some companies which met the requirements set by these new licensing rules, and they are not seeing any block or other issue. These include Amazon, Facebook, Google and more.
Gamers and freelancers in Indonesia are very angry due to this decision, and they are running social media protests under the title BlokirKominfo (means Block Kominfo). Considering the large population of Indonesia, and the volume of business it brings, this reaction is totally understandable.