Made by Gameloft, LEGO Star Wars: Castaways is now out as an exclusive title for Apple Arcade. Players will be able to experience some of the key moments in Star Wars series throughout this social action-adventure game.
In LEGO Star Wars: Castaways, players will be discovering a tropical island and completing quests with their characters. There will also be a PvP mode for the game.
Gameloft Montreal’s Game Manager, Lee Kaburis says “We are so excited to be launching LEGO Star Wars: Castaways today! This is a game built from the ground up to leverage all of the fantastic features of Apple Arcade and to bring a new corner of the Star Wars galaxy to life. This is a perfect game for kids and families to play together, and to create their own place in the Star Wars universe.”
The game is now available for download on Apple Arcade, under the subscription of $4.99 a month.