Home Gaming News No Man’s Sky PSVR2 version will be available on day one

No Man’s Sky PSVR2 version will be available on day one

No Man’s Sky PSVR2 version will be available on day one

When it comes to comeback stories in gaming industry, No Man’s Sky is definitely guaranteed to be in any top 3 list. After the disastrous launch period, developer Hello Games managed to turn the tide and both make it a great game and win the hearts of fans during the process.

They announced earlier in 2022 that they were working on a PlayStation VR2 version, but apparently the announcement had a very unlucky typo. Obviously, PlayStation VR2 is not launched at all and expected release date is 22nd of February, 2023. Considering that the announcement for PSVR2 version of No Man’s Sky was very close to “February 22”, it would be probably right to expect February 22, 2023 as a launch date for the update.

This free update will only require to own the existing game, and everyone will be able to enjoy it. On the other hand, PlayStation VR2 will cost $549.99/€599.99. Yes, the headset is actually more expensive than the console. Games to come out on launch for PSVR2 are not officially confirmed, but Sony was certain that there will be 11 of them throughout 2023. Some of those games will be available on day one.