Sony has started testing free game trials on PlayStation 5. These trials allow users to play the games for a few hours before purchasing them. The Trial feature currently appears to be only available in the UK and was only available in Death Stranding: Director’s Cut and Sackboy: A Big Adventure until now. With a tweet from the Biomutant official Twitter page, it was announced that the third Biomutant was added next to the two games.
Biomutant is only available to try until the end of October 28, and you have a total of five hours to play. The game is also available in Canada as well as the UK, unlike the other two games.
There is a different situation regarding the gameplay time. The trial period starts from the moment you select “Download Trial” or “Add to Library” instead of when you start playing the game. In other words, your download time is also included in your trial period. If you have a slow internet, you can complete the time before you start playing the game.