Developer of Star Citizen, Cloud Imperium Games, released a video about their space simulators upcoming features. With Alpha 3.15 which will come soon, brand new mechanics for injuries, healing, and death will be introduced in the game. This will change rather radically how players will have to think about keeping themself safe and fixing things when they don’t manage to do so. You can check the new video out from below:
Also, Star Citizen’s crowdfunding total has passed $384 million and it’s currently sitting on $384,287,090. The number of the registered accounts has recently passed 3.2 million, and it’s at 3,242,500 at the moment. But you should keep in mind that it’s known that not all of them are paying players. This number includes free accounts created for a variety of reasons, including Free Fly events like the one that recently ended.
With that, recently a new studio has been opened to create new systems and content for Star Citizen, while Firesprite has been working on the Battlefield-like mode “Theaters of War.” The online persistent universe has now reached version alpha 3.14, there’s also a star-studded single-player campaign titled “Squadron 42” is in development.