When it comes to realistic games, fans are usually consisting more of people who are concerned with the facts. More often than not, discussions are circling around some factual information and people are understandably referring to the objectively reliable sources of information. But some people are taking it a bit too far sometimes.
War Thunder is known for its remarkably realistic take on the battlefield, and this obviously attracts people who are interested in military and warfare. When it comes to facts about military technology though, one just does not easily access to each and every bit of information. Combat vehicles and weapon technologies are always hidden behind classified documents of national secrets. Somehow, a few people find their ways into accessing a small portion of them and this is surely not great news for War Thunder developers, Gaijin Entertainment.
In two years, this has been the third time some people suddenly posted classified military documents about a military vehicle. Fun part is, this always happens when someone is too obsessed on winning their arguments. Not so fun part is, Gaijin Entertainment has to race against the clock to delete those documents because it could put them into a huge trouble. Every single time, Gaijin Entertainment openly states that they are using legally available tools to access to the information they need, and people must refrain from such illegal acts of revealing classified documents. Hopefully it will not become a problem that causes an irreversible damage for the developer.