Age of Empires was first released on 15th of October, 1997. If you check the calendar close, you will see it’s almost 25th anniversary knocking our doors. For this anniversary, we are also having a surprise coming.
Relic Entertainment already has plans to celebrate this important anniversary of the legendary RTS game with players. For this time, they are making Age of Empires 4 free to play for a week.
This celebration lasts until August 28, and there is a great sale for both editions if you wish to continue playing after the free week ends. Besides the free week, there are two new civilizations coming in. Please welcome Malians and Ottomans as they are ready to shift the balance on the battlefield. While Malians are very strong in economic affairs, Ottomans excel in the military are with a specialty in siege and bombardment.
The update brings new maps, achievements, masteries, events, ranked team play and much more. In case you want to jump in earlier, feel free to sign up for the Age Insider Program to participate.