Some time ago, we shared the news about a very tough Halo 2 challenge announced by Cr1TiKal. Began with a $5,000 bounty, the challenge required players to beat Halo 2 on a “deathless LASO (Legendary All Skulls On)” state without using the Envy skull active.
After no one picks any interest in the $5,000 bounty, Cr1TiKal quadrupled it to attract some serious interest into the challenge. Before long, some players took notice and attempted to beat the game under insane conditions mentioned. Finally, we have a winner now.
A Twitch streamer called JerValiN completed this challenge around 6,5 hours. Previously, he also achieved the very first deathless LASO run that also enabled Envy skull, so it was not a big surprise that he also earned a good sum by beating this challenge too. While he used some serious tricks and glitches on the way, entire run was live on Twitch so it is as legit as it could be.