Luigi, the green-clad brother of world-famous Super Mario, was found hiding inside the Sega GT, the Sega Dreamcast game. This was discovered by a Twitter user named CombyLaurent1, and he tweeted directly.
You can compete with Luigi in this prototype game. In addition, the shape of the map you are competing in is also very meaningful as can be seen on the mini map. Also, the prototype is named “sonygt2”. Probably a reference to Gran Turismo 2, the 1999 PlayStation game released just a few months before Sega.
According to the information on the Kotaku website, CombyLaurent1 said in an interview, “When I discovered Luigi yesterday, I was laughing out loud. I knew that this kind of thing existed from old dev’s anecdotes. I never thought I would come across it on one of my prototypes.”