Duke Nukem Forever has been a controversy since the very first moment it was announced, and it became one of the mythical stories in the gaming scene as time passed. During early 2022, a leak came up which shows a build of Duke Nukem Forever from year 2001. Then, a team of modders decided to make it into a full game.
Currently, they mention that they are working on polishing the first chapter of the game. What they created seems to be very similar to the leaked demo version from early 2022, which is a good sign. Developers are trying to catch the same vibe and content with the original game with this project.
There are map editor and a deathmatch mode, 12 weapons including the bottom of your foot and a riot shield, enemies such as zombie civilians, alien parasites and SWAT-like cops in the game. First downloads are will be available on 21st of December on ModDB, so remember to check the project page there.