Diablo Immortal caused a long line of discussions ever since it came out, and people agree that while gameplay is better than expected, microtransactions are absolutely the worst. Metacritic scores are already dead due to this huge frustration, yet Blizzard is still happy with the “biggest launch ever“.
This time, another nightmare for free to play users is in discussion. It is already known that there are huge differences in power curve when it comes to players who pay and players who don’t, but more people over time are reporting a possibility of “hidden caps” in the game. These are not like the usual level cap of 60 or some certain blacksmith level cap which is clearly communicated, but more sneaky ones that prevent players from getting more loot.
As mentioned in the video in a very clear fashion, there are serious hindrances in leveling, loots, quests and eventually climbing up in power unless you are paying tons of money regardless of how much you grind. Considering that Diablo is a game based on grind and enjoyable power gains for people who truly earn it, such an approach is pretty strange and frustrating indeed.