Developers of Lost Ark confirmed that the first Legion raid for the western servers, Valtan, will be released in late May. This raid is especially highlighted to be quite difficult. Defined by Smilegate as “difficult team-based activities that require teamwork to understand and execute the strategy necessary to counter each Legion Commander’s unique characteristics, abilities, and mechanics”. This raid required an item level of 1415 for normal difficulty and 1445 for hard difficulty.
In the blog post shared by Smilegate, it is explained as “As Legion Raids are challenging and take time, there are gates (or checkpoints) that will save player’s progress as they advance through the Raid. Valtan is an eight-player Legion raid, has 2 gates, and introduces a swathe of new mechanics. Players will need to be item level 1415 to attempt normal difficulty, and 1445 for hard. The Valtan Legion Raid will also introduce a new rarity for gear – Relic. Relic gear can be crafted from materials earned in the raid. It provides more impactful armor and weapon bonuses, alongside bigger stat bonuses and more engraving nodes on accessories.”
Besides the raid itself, a new gear rarity called Relic is also making its way to the game. Relic gear can be crafted from the materials found in the raid. Needless to say, this level of gear is going to be much stronger.
If you want to check further details, feel free to check the blog post linked above as the full notes and explanations are quite detailed.