Awesome Games Done Quick is a speedrun event which is organized twice every year, during winter and summer seasons. Games Done Quick team turned this great event into both a tradition and a great opportunity to raise money for charities all around the world.
The Awesome Games Done Quick 2023 season began with a great event which finally ended yesterday, featuring a lot of great games from all platforms and all times. Days of speedruns were performed by participants, and people contributed to a great purpose during the time. With this event, Games Done Quick team managed to raise $2,642,493 for Prevent Cancer Foundation. That is a truly incredible amount.
With this wonderful success, Games Done Quick team managed to reach over $43 million since the first event which took place 13 years ago. For an organization which started in the basement of its founder’s mother, this could only be a dream coming true. Speaking of the founder, Mike Uyama, is resigning from his role as the managing director after all these years. He said that he will be taking a vacation first, and then moving on with his next plan. Matt Merkle will be taking his place, and continuing the series of great events.
Upcoming events will be Frost Fatales, the all-women speedrun event taking place between February 26 and March 4, and then the Summer Games Done Quick taking place between May 28 and June 4.