Friday, May 3, 2024
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Games Done Quick team raised over $2.6M in last event

Games Done Quick team turned this great event into a great opportunity to raise money for charities all around the world.

Stray is raising money for charities that help stray cats

After the first impact turned out to be quite positive, Annapurna continued cooperating with charities that work for helping stray cats.

Frame Fatales is raising money for charities

A speedrun community called Frame Fatales organized an all-women speedrun marathon in summer season called Flame Fatales.

Stray is now teaming up with charities to help stray cats

This time, Annapurna Interactive is coming with a much better aim of helping the charities for stray animals.

Summer Games Done Quick raises up 3 million dollars

The livestreams are run on Twitch, and YouTube channels now have the replays of those events by Games Done Quick.

Epic Games won a lawsuit against a cheater and donates settlement money to charity

In the recent news, Epic Games took a Fortnite cheater to the court in Australia due to a range of unethical activities.

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