5 exploits in video games that ruined favorite games

Many exploits in video games are usually well-hidden until they are discovered, and then they mostly either ruin the game or render it totally unplayable depending on their nature. Even best games in existence can sometimes have them due to the complex structure of video game development.

Today we will share 5 serious exploits that caused very problematic issues during their time.

3. Infinite Gold (TES IV: Oblivion)

When it comes to Bethesda and its RPGs, bugs and glitches are almost a whole topic on its own. Especially in The Elder Scrolls series, people have created many fun contents out of them for years. But one of the most gamebreaking one was the piece-of-cake infinite gold exploit back in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

It was pretty straightforward as you could obtain an infinite amount of gold with almost no effort, ruining the whole point of struggle and hardwork in the game. In the Talos Plaza District, you could either kill and loot, or directly pickpocket Dorian repeatedly for an infinite amount of gold. 

There are many similar glitches in other games too, but they mostly require a serious effort to perform. This one though, is literally a free ticket.