One of the most critical aspects of Apex Legends is the “Legends” you can choose depending on your playstyle and tactics. These characters have their own skillset to gain leverage over their opponents, and achieve victory in the tough conditions of Battle Royale. But current class system is not considered great by many players. Some players even claim that it does not have any effect on the game. With these discussions going on, a well-known Apex Legends leaker Thordan Smash mentioned some plans of Respawn Entertainment to add new Legend classes.
This may not be restricted to just a couple new classes though, and it might also include some kind of “rework” on the current system. With such a change, many Legends have the chance to get some surprise changes and change the meta for Apex Legends forever.
While Thordan Smash claims that he has a reliable source, most of the points mentioned are still not more than speculations. He mentions that Apex Legends could expand its level cap up to 500 due to recently datamined badges with “500” written on them. He also mentions a possible Perk system, noting that Apex Legends Mobile has it already.
It is known that Respawn Entertainment intends to improve the game each and every season, so such changes may not be really far away from now. Still though, we will have to wait and see.