While being great news, this is not that “new” as we remember that cross-play support for Borderlands 3 was already promised by developers. It is no surprise that many people are currently busy enjoying Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands as it already has the cross-play on all platforms, promise is promise. And Gearbox is apparently keeping their end of the bargain.
With the recent confirmation from the team, Borderlands 3 will finally add cross-play support for PlayStation very soon. PC, PlayStation and Xbox owners alongside Stadia users will be able to enjoy the game together. Previously, PlayStation was not included in the cross-play support and the blame was on Sony for blocking it. Later though, it was revealed that in the Epic vs. Apple lawsuit, Sony asked for royalty fees for any game with cross-play, determining them based on the popularity and financial success of the PlayStation version. But it is still not 100% known that if this is the actual case here.
Sony is known to be strongly against cross-play for PlayStation platforms. They always mention that they prioritized “business”, but most people already called this attitude out for only being greedy. Recently, some games were allowed for cross-play support and this change eventually meant that more games were being welcome for cross-play.