Battle Royale games are quite different in a certain aspect compared to other multiplayers games, and that is the matter of players “leaving” the game. In solo matches, a player leaving never really impacts other players’ experience. But it changes a lot in Squad games, especially due to reviving a teammate is a possibility. In Warzone, lately a lot of players are complaining about the high rate of leaving in Squad matches.
Recently, Warzone subreddit is seeing a huge rise in topics that complain about leavers. Since there is no strict and serious punishment for leaving a match, everyone is able to ruin others’ games. Responses in those threads also seem to agree with this matter. Other games have various punishment systems for leavers like locking them out or causing them to lose ranking points, even some temporary bans if the player continues the behavior.
As much as this is understandable for Warzone players to ask for a preventive measure in this matter, it is not that easy. On the other hand, a lot of players are dealing with crashes and disconnects so this is a sensitive matter to apply a general punishment system.