Cyberpunk 2077 is getting stronger every day with latest patches, and it looks like CD Projekt Red is not intending to stop anytime soon. They have just made a great announcement about the player count after the recent news.
Official Twitter account of Cyberpunk 2077 shared a message that says “Each day of this week Night City has been visited by 1 million players, both new and returning. We wanted to use this opportunity to thank you for being with us and playing the game.” This is actually a great milestone for the game, a solid proof that they are indeed coming back from the dead. Yesterday, the game hit 86,130 concurrent players on Steam which is the highest since January. Just a few days ago, we shared the news of another record that was over 60k.
Developers seem to be truly grateful for having a second chance from players and they are working hard to present a great game. As much as it will not be possible to completely forget what happened back at launch period, current state of the game really deserves a second chance.
In case you are eager to get some more Cyberpunk content, you can try the Netflix anime series called “Edgerunners” too. The show gets a lot of positive reviews, so definitely worth a try.