Home Gaming News Destiny 2 is getting a new dungeon

Destiny 2 is getting a new dungeon

Destiny 2 is getting a new dungeon

Destiny 2 has been quiet since a while, and now Bungie decided to break the silence by revealing a new dungeon, expected to come out on 9th of December. Developers are refraining from giving further details, as they want to make the experience exciting for everyone on day one.

There is only around a month for this new dungeon, so we will not have to wait for too long. Bungie recently teased the arrival of this one in their recent blog post, alongside a ton of other information. Considering that the leaks and spoilers are running rampant in the gaming scene lately, decision for keeping the details secret sounds like a very logical one. 

In the meanwhile, some Destiny 2 players are found to be playing the PS4 version of the game on their PS5, and missing the great features provided by the upgraded version. Bungie reminded players to check and upgrade their game versions if possible to enjoy a better Destiny 2 experience.