Developed by Sucker Punch Productions and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment, Ghost of Tsushima celebrates its first anniversary. Punch Productions shared Ghost of Tsushima’s player statistics with two effective visuals.
Sucker Punch’s graph reveals that 679.2 million combat battles were fought in Ghost of Tsushima’s first year. Another stat covers horseback travel, which is preferred due to the game’s wide open world. Players must spend a long time on horseback if they want to explore the farthest corners of the island to complete the game’s side missions and collectibles. According to Sucker Punch’s chart, players spent a total of 4.241 million hours riding horses. Apart from these, different information was also shared. For example, how may foxes have been petted.
Besides these beautiful stats, the game has prepared some special skins to celebrate its anniversary. These skins, which you cannot use in single-player mode, are only available for multiplayer mode. Incoming skins are inspired by God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, Shadow of the Colossus and Bloodborne. You can get them by completing the Legends mode’s Story or Survival quests.