Home Gaming News Overwatch 2 pulls back Bastion and Torbjörn temporarily

Overwatch 2 pulls back Bastion and Torbjörn temporarily

Overwatch 2 pulls back Bastion and Torbjörn temporarily

In the news of yesterday, we have shared with you that Bastion was going totally crazy with the ultimate skill and raining down artillery all over the map due to a bug. Another character, Torbjörn, is also now found to be not working as intended and can be much more powerful when a similar bug happens. The bug simply doubles the Overload duration if the button press is timed right, meaning more speed and damage for a much longer time.


These two characters are being temporarily pulled back from the game until the bugs are taken care of. Bastion will be completely suspended while Torbjörn will stay in Quick Play mode, hinting that this bug may not be that easy to come across. There is not any confirmation about the length of this suspension though.

Compared to the issues at launch, these bugs are quite minor. Long queues, phone verification, disappearing boxes, auto-purchase issues and more were there at day one.