5 video game bugs that later turned into features

In software industry, there is a widely known saying (and kind of a meme thing) goes as “it is not a bug, it is a feature”. While there are very different reasons for such a saying, some bugs actually were bugs but in time they were deemed to be useful as features too. Video games were no different.

Today we will share 5 examples of such incidents for your entertainment. Here comes the list.

4. Rocket Jumping – Quake

Moving on with another legendary feature stemming from Quake, we have infamous rocket jumping on our list. This was also a physics engine issue just like aforementioned Skyrim Space Program, causing players to propel themselves into air if they time their jump and rocket shots on the ground correctly. 

While this may sound dangerous (and it is, especially if you fail timing), it could provide you a massive advantage in combat due to speed and positioning despite the health, armor and ammo loss. As players learned using it correctly, developers also noticed it and turned it into a feature that became one of the most utilized techniques of Arena FPS games for many years to come.