Halo Infinite has been quiet recently, as the latest major step the game has taken was the co-op campaign beta testing. A lot of players enjoyed the new content with their friends, and 343 Industries made a serious progress with their upcoming addition to the game.
The final release was expected to come out around late August for co-op campaign mode of Halo Infinite, but apparently a delay is very much possible. August already ended and we are yet to hear about the release date for co-op campaign mode.
With the Twitter mentions above, fans will apparently have to wait for a bit longer to see the co-op campaign mode. Initial plans for co-op campaign and Forge mode were respectively releasing them with Season 2 and 3. In May 2022, decision by 343 Industries to extend Season 1 gave us a hint about what might come in later months. There is not any precise information provided about the final release date of co-op campaign mode, but we should be hearing from 343 Industries soon.