Half-Life: Blue Shift was an expansion released back in 2001 which told us the story of Barney Calhoun during the event of Black Mesa incident. Being a friend of Gordon Freeman, the legendary protagonist of Half-Life, a lot of people loved the idea of playing as Barney and seeing the story through his eyes after witnessing the opposite side in Half-Life: Opposing Force.
Years later, a group of developers decided to remake Half-Life in great detail and they created Black Mesa. Now another group of modders called HECU Collective has been making Black Mesa: Blue Shift and they release the game chapter by chapter. Yesterday, they released Chapter 4: Captive Freight, and a trailer came with it.
Now there are only 4 chapters left to complete Blue Shift story in Black Mesa. Besides the content, there are a lot of fixes and improvements made throughout the entire game. Blue Shift mod is available for download on Black Mesa Steam Workshop page, or on its own ModDB page.