Friday, May 3, 2024

Elden Ring is struggling with save file corruption exploit

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Elden Ring is the latest souls-like craze as we all know by now, but problems are apparently far from being fully resolved. Now people on PC are getting their save files corrupted by invading players due to a sort of exploit or cheat.

While there is not a direct proof of method revealed, those exploiters are believed to be using a specific spell or weapon art to force the game to crash for the host. When the invaded players restart Elden Ring to jump back in, their characters will be constantly falling through the map to their deaths. They will have no choice but to create a new character for a new run.

There is only one way to save your character if you come by this issue: open your map and teleport yourself to a nearby Site of Grace in order to escape the infinite loop of death. This will cost you the keys though, and you have to be quick.

Until the issue is fixed, players are advised to either back up the save files or play offline.

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