Friday, May 3, 2024

Microsoft is now planning for in-game ads on Xbox games

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If you are a gamer who is sick of seeing tons of ads on video streaming services and mobile apps, we have bad news for you especially if your main platform is Xbox. Microsoft is having some ideas about adding ads into Xbox games. 

While it is only an idea at this point, no one can say that it will not happen. When such huge companies want to do something, they almost always find a way as they have abundant resources to spare on such things. Microsoft is now looking for advertisement companies to help them making it into a reality.

But it may not be entirely a nightmare as it is planned to be something much more different that what we used to see in mobile game ads. Instead of dragging you away from the game with 30-second videos, Microsoft is planning to integrate them in-game in a seamless way. For example, they are thinking about placing the advertorial content on billboards of the game world.

Such a plan requires games that also includes those mechanics, so it does not seem very close for now. But on the other hand, it is surely not impossible and more money always allures companies to adapt. Free-to-play games might use this new idea to finance their development, and also provide players a much better experience.

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