Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Silent Hill: The Short Message is rated in Taiwan this time

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Silent Hill is one of the top horror series of all times in video games history, and it does not seem like it will be over anytime soon. After a lot of legendary games throughout the years, a recent rating for a new game called Silent Hill: The Short Message appeared in Korea lists. It suddenly turned all the eyes on itself for brief period until the Silent Hill: Transmission livestream did not mention anything such as “The Short Message”.

When everyone just forgot about this name, another rating suddenly appeared in Taiwan now. The Taiwan Digital Game Rating Committee rated the unannounced title Silent Hill: The Short Message. This time, there is an official artwork appearing along with the rating. Game description shortly says that “Anita came to an abandoned apartment in order to meet her friend Maya, and somehow woke up to find herself trapped in it. She must escape her own fears and the monsters lurking in the corridors, discover the truth behind the events she’s trapped in, and try to escape before her own trauma consumes her will to survive.”

Silent Hill: The Short Message apparently comes for PlayStation 5, developed and published by Konami.

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